Facebook Break

It wouldn't be the first time and it definitely won't be the last.

Once again, I find myself in a situation where I can't be distracted by Facebook again. Last time I decided to take a break from Facebook, it was because I needed to get my mind cleared out of my breakup situation (back when you can't hide news feeds that are from others)

Now its simply because its becoming a hectic month with school. Even in my family life, we just had another housing issue with the city and I'm hoping that it will get cleared out and settled as soon as possible.

So with all this going on right now, I can't keep up with this facebook "addiction" that I have.
Oh, interesting note. I've had more than one encounters with someone telling me "You should get settled and get a girlfriend". The only answer I can honestly provide is, either I'm too busy with so much stuff going on at the moment or I'm just not putting too much of an effort into getting one. I'll let others be the judge of that. In other words...no I'm not settled yet.


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