
Yes, if anyone can wonder how random this blog can get. It's about to get pretty random.

So the story behind why I have a new found love for Febreze stems from recent times.

My dad rented out our downstairs to 2 guys who do computer stuff.

Unfortunately, either their body odor or cooking has created this musty smell that unfortunately due to the laws of physics, causes it to rise to the upperstairs portion of the house.

So everyday I had to endure that disgusting smell until finally, I found this bottle of Febreze in my house.

Worked like a temporary charm but still, if it wasn't for the mortgage, we wouldn't have people living downstairs and we wouldn't have musty smells coming from there.

I swear, when those 2 move out. I am going to celebrate like it's the Hong Kong Handover of 1997.

The lack of recent posts is due to the midterm season. To me, it seems worse than the flu season but eh...


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