Valentines Day

I remember it wasn't until last year that I had my "first" Valentine's Day ever.

Shame because despite having two ex-girlfriends, I've never celebrated it with any of them.

In a sense, I agree with my co-worker that Valentines Day is nothing but a novelty holiday where Walgreen's are chaulked full of pink lovey Halloween candy and Hallmark sells lovey dovey Christmas cards that don't have any trace of Christmas on it.

Anyways, I guess its fair to say that my first one was good, to say the least. If I could go back and change some things, I probably would.

So what does this make for this year?

Unless something happens within the next 4 days, I'm gonna spend Valentines Day 2011 solo with junk food and alcohol or something haha.

(geeze, at least my first one didn't fall on a Monday)


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