So last night I made a blog regarding the New Year and after reading it this morning, I knew it was rushed and there was a lot lacking in it. So here is part 2.
I always labeled 2008 as the "recovery year" because it was that year where I tried my best to go back to what I had before Tam and also start some new friendships along the way. I had accomplished the first but failed in the other.
Then 2009 came along and I went into it with a closed mindset and believed that I had done enough in 2008 and it was time to just move into another year and forget about all that troubles I had.
Now looking back at much of 2009, I did just that. I focused on myself and worked a lot. Although this may be the first year I actually spent less time at home, it was a very comforting year where I no longer felt lonely.
Even though a second shot at going to a senior prom did not make my first prom worse, it made me understand that even though I tried to replace my first prom with a "better" prom (honestly, I liked my own senior prom more), it was rewarding in a sense that I got to do it with all my close friends.
One of the highlights of 2009 was that drive down to Santa Cruz to visit some old friends. The real meaning behind going was to see whether or not I had made the right choice of rejecting UC Santa Cruz. In the end, I realized a lot of these positives and negatives balance out and I might be a lot more happier staying up here in SFSU than I thought.
Of course this year was difficult in a sense that classes were cut and some were harder but thats never going to change that's for sure. For once in my life, I actually enjoyed work more than I enjoyed school.
There was also a lack of clarity in what I wrote regarding these past few weeks but after some thinking, its more apparent that I enjoy helping others cope with things that seem to bother them.
So what I expect out of 2010. Try harder in school, always have a backup plan, have some patience, don't ever let Alfonso change your homepage to gay porn, and overall, don't waste a lot of hours in a day.
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