Well, judging by my last blog. It's been a while since I've posted something.
A lot has happened these past near-2 months. I guess I can say with some ease and a clear mind that I got in a car accident on March 7th near Baker Beach.
Although I'm blessed to not have been hurt, the bicyclist that struck my car who was going downhill did.
I'm pretty sure both sides had never wanted this to happen but because I didn't have the right of way (disregarding why he didn't make an effort to avoid this), I have to pay the price (or as of right now, my insurance).
I can't do much as of right now but I hope him a speedy recovery and that I meant no harm. This accident had caused me as much grief as it had probably done to him and his family.
I had learned a lot from these past couple of months. A lot of which were life changing and eye-opening.
So I list here things I'm going to want to pursuade for the remainder of this year.
- Financial security
- A special talent
- Better time management
- Develop further interest in school
- Not to be wasteful
- Find some way to help someone in need (donating to the needy)
- Find an opportunity to see the world
- Explore a new career
And here I list things I'm going to put aside for the sake of bettering myself.
- Dating someone who has too many expectations of me
- Dating someone who wants more out of me than the basics
- The urge to use my car when I don't have to
- Careless spending
- Minimize short-term interests and focus on the longrun
At the moment I'm juggling between taking quizes and writing this blog. (Not wanting to be repetitive)
I actually have a lot on my mind but I can relax more knowing this accident case may last for years but from what I've known since high school, time goes by fast.
One day, you're dreading to leave college, then you begin to miss high school. One day you lose a relationship, then you look back knowing you're better off now without her. You lose all your money to someone who doesn't even care about you, you laugh it off knowing you've spent less on yourself as a result.
I admit it, I'm a hopeless romantic, I can tend to like someone easily and (not a matter of arrogance) I'm pretty sure I can handle a relationship if given the chance but I guess I'm just as much demanding out of qualities in a girl than some girls expecting a guy to have a car or a job or whatever. I simply want someone who is willing to walk or take the bus to visit me. In other words, it would kill me to hear you want a ride to somewhere in the city.
But if my only options in my personal life was to have a car and an abundant amount of money in my bank account in order to meet the demands of a girl who wants a Gucci or an LV bag, then the world has one less bachelor.
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