
I'm going to accept the fact that this blog will be my vehicle for ranting and complaining.

Simply put, if I get my opportunity to leave Hollister Co. I will take it without hesitation.

It's not because I want to but because I have to.

If there was any room for improvement on the job for any part time (or full-time) associate or manager at a company like Abercrombie & Fitch, I may never want to leave.

The managers and associates have given me more than just a job at Hollister. They have fulfilled every known opportunity and experience both job related and life related that I had wanted and anticipated since day one back in 2007.

These people whether they had good intentions or bad ones shaped me to be who I am after 4 years. I have nothing to lose with a company like A&F, since I'm a marketing major.

The 481 has provided me with plenty to keep me around...good people to work with and good flexible schedule. The company on the other hand has rejected the idea of "rewarding" its workers with raises.

There are good people out there who like to get the job done but have to accept the fact that they will never amount to more than just minimum wage.

I don't want to leave Hollister Co. at San Francisco but I have to leave Abercrombie & Fitch.

Like I said, once the door is wide open...I'm going to run towards it.