Birthday Week

They only turn 21 once. (Well, Kenneth told me that when he bought my drinks at the bar...thanks by the way)

But not everyone gets to celebrate it 4 times in that week! Har Har

I was afraid I wouldn't be able to celebrate it with all my loved ones and friends. (There are a few who couldn't be there but I understand)

Thanks for the best week ever <3

On a side note, I'm gonna miss having Shannon as my manager =(

I hope she finds success wherever she goes =)

2 Empty Rooms + A Kitchen

Well, better believe this is the last time these rooms will look like that. (the kitchen wasn't too empty)

Just a Thought

I appreciate having good friends but I never would have thought I would be hurt unintentionally by them.

If any of you guys read this. I love you all but please, keep that shit to yourselves and not when you have guests around. It's rude even if you all don't notice.

Don't be surprised when I start to say "no" to any invites.

I wanna say its nothing personal but it really is. Please respect that.


Refurb = It has failed before.

I will never buy something refurbished.


I feel like the reason why I stopped blogging is simply:

I made this a lot more complicated and serious than I had intended in these last few posts.

I remember when I had a lot of fun just blogging about something totally random.

2005-2007 I did these little picture blogs on Xanga. That was a fun concept but it was tedious.

I moved to Tumblr shortly after the last blog I made here and I didn't adjust well to it.

So here I am. Back again.

I gotta keep in mind from now on. If I blog. Keep it simple.